◈ জাতীয় পতাকার নকশাকার শিব নারায়ণ দাস মারা গেছেন ◈ ইরানের ইস্পাহান ও তাব্রিজে ইসরায়েলের ড্রোন হামলা, ৩টি ভূপাতিত (ভিডিও) ◈ ভেটোর তীব্র নিন্দা,মার্কিন নীতি আন্তর্জাতিক আইনের নির্লজ্জ লংঘন : ফিলিস্তিন ◈ স্কুল পর্যায়ের শিক্ষার্থীদের গল্প-প্রবন্ধ নিয়ে সাময়িকী প্রকাশনা করবে বাংলা একাডেমি ◈ দক্ষিণ ভারতে ইন্ডিয়া জোটের কাছে গো-হারা হারবে বিজেপি: রেভান্ত রেড্ডি ◈ ভারতের পররাষ্ট্র সচিব বিনয় মোহন কোয়াত্রার ঢাকা সফর স্থগিত ◈ চিকিৎসকদের সুরক্ষা নিশ্চিত করতে সংসদে আইন পাশ করব: স্বাস্থ্যমন্ত্রী ◈ ব্রিটিশ হাইকমিশনারের সঙ্গে বিএনপি নেতাদের বৈঠক ◈ উপজেলা নির্বাচন: মন্ত্রী-এমপিদের আত্মীয়দের সরে দাঁড়ানোর নির্দেশ আওয়ামী লীগের ◈ বোতলজাত সয়াবিনের দাম লিটারে ৪ টাকা বাড়লো

প্রকাশিত : ০৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২১, ১২:০৫ দুপুর
আপডেট : ০৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২১, ১২:০৫ দুপুর

প্রতিবেদক : নিউজ ডেস্ক

[1] Al Jazeera’s credibility in question; Association with extremists over the years

Tahtheera Sultana of DOT, [2] In today’s time, Al Jazeera has gained popularity over the years by claiming itself to be a beacon of truth, but, how accurate is that? Many people all over the world question Al Jazeera’s credibility and authenticity. Moreover, the Qatar based channel has frequently shown its biasness and despise towards nations which don’t share the same interest as them.

[3] According to a report published by The New York Times, Because Al Jazeera Arabic overtly promoted Doha’s foreign policy objectives, the network was controversial and disliked by virtually every other government in the region. The Arabic station introduced a freewheeling reporting style — except for avoiding any criticism of Qatar — that transfixed Arab audiences with previously unheard-of debates.

[4] There are, however, limits to Al Jazeera’s journalistic doggedness. Despite Al Jazeera’s eagerness to question the ruling classes of most Arab countries, the Qatari royal family isn’t covered with the same level of scrutiny. Rather, the channel has been seen as a de facto part of Qatar’s foreign policy apparatus. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been particularly upset with Al Jazeera and its Qatari owners since the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings.

[5] The Justice Department of USA ordered an Al Jazeera online news platform based in the US to register as a foreign agent, declaring that the outlet is "an agent of the Government of Qatar," according to a letter from the Justice Department obtained by CNN and The New York Times.

[6] Yassin, a Palestinian-Israeli, was featured in a video report published by AJ+ Arabic on Sept. 16, in which the news channel accused him and his social-media platform of being part of Israel’s propaganda machine. Nas Daily, which has over two million followers on Instagram, responded to AJ+ Arabic in a video titled “Be Careful of Al Jazeera,” which it published across its social-media accounts as reported by Arab News.

In the video, Yassin explained what had happened to him and his company, highlighted several controversies Al Jazeera has been involved, and pointed out the stark differences between the content published on its English and Arabic platforms. AJ+ Arabic drew widespread condemnation in 2019 over a video that was branded “Holocaust denial,” which claimed the Jews exaggerated the scale of the genocide to help establish Israel.

[7] More recently, Al Jazeera’s Arabic news channel aired an interview with terrorist-designated group Hamas’ leader Ismail Haniyeh, as well as a podcast glorifying the killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, both of which have stirred the ongoing debate surrounding the network’s alleged promotion of terrorism.  “One day they’re praising the Jewish community on their English-language channel directed at Western viewers, and the next they’re promoting hate speech against the Jews on their Arabic channels, and allowing preachers like Qatar-based Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to endorse the killing of innocent women and children on Al Jazeera Arabic just because they’re Jews,” Al Jazeera English’s former international bureau chief, Mohamed Fahmy, told Arab News in a previous interview.

[8] The suicide bombing in London on July 7, 2007 was the only news item on Al Jazeera. This channel has been subjected as being the mouthpiece of extremist ideology and political ideology. In addition, Al-Jazeera's broadcast was shut down in 2015 for allegedly presenting anti-India news and information.

A channel journalist was arrested in Spain in September 2003 on charges of supporting the militant group al-Qaeda. Journalists have claimed that they’ve been ordered to contact terrorists on multiple occasions leading to Al Jazeera's bureau chief, Mohammed Fahmsih Masir. Ali Hashemi, the Libyan representative, and Akhtar Sulmon, the Berlin representative, resigned afterwards. As many as 22 Al Jazeera employees have quit since the overthrow of Mohammad Mursi, amid concern over the channel’s alleged bias towards the Muslim Brotherhood and its coverage of Egypt.

Al Jazeera correspondent Haggag Salama resigned accusing the station of “airing lies and misleading viewers”, Gulf News reported. The newspaper also said that four Egyptian members of editorial staff at the network’s headquarters in Doha had resigned in protest. Al Jazeera anchor Karem Mahmoud said he left because of the channel’s editorial line over recent events in Egypt. “I felt that there were errors in the way the coverage was done, especially that now in Egypt we are going through a critical phase that requires a lot of auditing in terms of what gets broadcasted,” Mahmoud told Al Arabiya. “My colleagues have also resigned for the same reason.” Author and journalist Abdel Latif el-Menawy, who was head of the Egypt News Center under ex-president Hosni Mubarak, said that Al Jazeera was a “propaganda channel” for the Muslim Brotherhood.

[9] The pan-Arab broadcaster has been on the defensive, deflecting accusations by Qatar’s detractors in the Gulf that the Doha-based news network is guilty of inciting violence. Those accusations, followed by Gulf countries’ demanding, among other things, that Qatar shut down Al Jazeera in exchange for the blockade against the country being lifted, prompted the network to launch a social media campaign dubbed. Jordan and Saudi Arabia have already shuttered local Al Jazeera offices, and both the channel and its affiliated websites have been blocked in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Bahrain as reported by The Atlantic.

[10] We are really surprised as to how a globally known news channel could be misused by a convicted person in such a manner against a country.

[11] In his recent commentary piece on how a platform like Al Jazeera has weaponized it’s place in the Media for hateful purposes Editor-in-chief of GTV, Syed Ishtiaq Reza said, '' If a Bangladesh origin fugitive stays in Hungary and France and if he invests millions of Euros there, it is the duty of the EU authorities to take full cognizance of this report. From the editorial point of view the so-called investigative report failed to interview a single EU official on this serious allegation. If a wanted man lives in Malaysia, where is the opinion of the country’s interior ministry? It has taken a clear position about Bangladesh’s present government, not based on journalistic priorities, but rather on the interests of that quarter. The thriller type documentary is all about politics, but not journalism. The most alarming thing is that the news channel even repackages the contents regularly produced by anti-Awami League activists living abroad. Those contents are there on social media for a long time ''




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